Oklahoma Class Action Symposium

Presented by:
Lloyd K. Benedict & J. Derek Ingle
Attorneys at Law

On December 14, 2024
At Marriott Tulsa Hotel Southern Hills
1:00PM to 3:00PM
1902 E 71st St, Tulsa, OK 74136
Free Food and drinks


Any person who has/had an Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority License and has been diagnosed with CHS and sustained damages, such as medical bills, and lost wages, pain and suffering, and mental anguish, to name a few, as well as for those who suffered kidney damage, esophageal injury, strokes, heart attacks, dental damage, withdrawal from immediate cessation, and occasionally death.


Whether you may qualify for the CHS Class action against the multi-billion-dollar cannabis industry that has FAILED TO WARN you and other consumers about the known hazards of using their extremely high THC content in their products that cause CHS in a significant percentage of cannabis users.


Who can freely share their CHS horror stories about how debilitating the disease is, and how devastating their experience is to their loved ones, friends and families who helped them during their episodes.

Lawyer Lloyd Benedict knows all too well of those same horrors as his wife is a CHS victim too. As her multiple episodes left her with serious and permanent health complications, as she too increased her use to deal with the early stages of nausea and stomach pain, unknowingly pouring fuel on the CHS fire. Lloyd also knows the benefits of cannabis, but first and for most advocate for the safety of the users by holding the industry accountable for knowingly failing to warn about the dangers of their enhanced CHS products for the sake of seeking greater profits.

RSVP for yourself and your guest
Now by emailing your contact info and reservation to
by calling anytime 918-477-7000, or by filling out the form available on this page.

Please feel free to inform other CHS victims and their guest about this symposium

If you've been Affected
Reach Out!